The world reels in horror, as yet another terror threat rears its ugly head.


The international spotlight has been on militant group Boko Haram after the abduction of 300 Nigerian schoolgirls. But this is only the latest in a string of terror threats by the militant group. Although the incident took a while to get the media's attention, the issue is finally getting the scrutiny it deserves. The many examples of terrorism in the past, along with the group’s ties to al-Qaeda and the danger of its activities spilling over Nigeria’s borders and destabilising central and west Africa, the international attention was well overdue.

The Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan has also welcomed help from the United States, with President Barack Obama offering to send in an American team supporting the government's response to the kidnappingState Department spokeswoman Jen Psaki said the American embassy in Nigeria is "prepared to form a coordination cell" that would include US military personnel and law enforcement officials with expertise in investigations and hostage negotiations.

Michelle Obama herself, has also take the terror threat seriously, joining a campaign with the hashtag #BringBackOurGirls, making it trend globally instantly.

"In these girls, Barack and I see our own daughters," Michelle Obama said in a five-minute Mother's Day address, going on to say that she sees their hopes, their dreams, and she cannot even imgaine the anguish the parents of the missing girls.

But since then, the Instagram picture has created a backlash of criticism in the form of tweets revolving around anti-drone protest. The hashtag, #WeCantBringBackOurDead is being added to the tweets and has gained quite a bit of traction online. The new tweets and Instagram pictures compare the terrorist activities of Boko Haram to drone strikes, and the tweets in which they've been mentioned have gone viral, being retweet thousands of times.

The First Lady's attempts to support a good cause were ambushed by people on Twitter.