German Chancellor Angela Merkel for the first time today threatened energy sanctions against Iran if it fails to step up cooperation with the international community on its nuclear programme.

"If there is no progress, we would have to react with further sanctions," Merkel told the daily Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung.

"What is clear is that Tehran, whose president constantly questions Israel's right to exist, must not get the atomic bomb."

She noted that the six powers attempting to convince Iran to abandon sensitive nuclear work -- Britain, China, France, Germany, Russia and the United States -- would gather in September to discuss how to ratchet up the pressure.
"I don't want to preempt the talks but economic sanctions dealing with the energy sector are on the table but we must wait to see what comes of the talks. We must also speak about them (possible sanctions) with our partners Russia and China," she said.

Merkel dismissed the complaints of German business leaders that they are bearing an unfair share of the burden from existing economic sanctions against Iran.

"We must, as part of the international community, accept our part of the responsibility for the desired success of a diplomatic solution (to the dispute with Iran)," she said. "If Iran got atomic weapons it would a dangerous situation. That is why sanctions would be justified."