The members of South America's Mercosur trade bloc expressed concern about Venezuela's "political, social and humanitarian crisis" and called for an end to violence in a joint statement on Friday, adding that only Venezuela could find a solution.


Mercosur members Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay and Uruguay once again called for the release of Venezuela's political prisoners and offered to facilitate talks between President Nicolas Maduro's socialist government and the opposition in the statement, issued as the nations met in Mendoza, Argentina to discuss trade and regional integration.

Associate Mercosur members Chile, Colombia and Guyana, as well as Mexico, also signed the statement, which called on both the government and the opposition to "not take any initiative that could divide Venezuelan society even more, or aggravate institutional conflicts."

"There is no more room in South America for arbitrary imprisonment, for political repression, for attitudes and actions incompatible with democratic precepts," Brazilian President Michel Temer said in a speech on Friday, as Brazil assumed Mercosur's rotating presidency from Argentina.

Venezuela was suspended from the trade bloc in December amid concerns about its human rights record. Since then, four months of anti-government unrest in Venezuela has taken around 100 lives. On Friday, millions joined a 24-hour shutdown as part of a civil disobedience campaign against Maduro's government.

In April, Argentine President Mauricio Macri had warned that Venezuela could be expelled altogether from Mercosur if it did not change its behavior.

The joint statement did not make an explicit reference to Maduro's plan to hold a July 30 vote to elect a constituent assembly with powers to rewrite the OPEC member nation's constitution. Mexico on Thursday had called on Maduro to shelve the vote.

Bolivia, whose President Evo Morales is one of Maduro's few remaining allies in the region, is in the process of becoming a Mercosur member state.

(This article has not been edited by DNA's editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)