Over 200 years ago the Greek philosopher Aristotle proposed that Earth is spherical. Several scientists since and thousands of satellites revolving around the blue planet in modern times have proved that Earth is round. On Saturday, California based "Mad" Mike Hughes is launching a homemade rocket to prove these scientist wrong by discovering that Earth is actually flat.


According to a report in The Guardian, Hughes will be live-streaming the launch on the internet. He has spent $20,000 to build a steam-powered rocket which he aims to reach the altitude of 1,800 ft over California. Hughes bought a motorhome on Craigslist and plans to launch his rocket from the back of it.

The 61-year-old self-proclaimed daredevil says that he does not believe in science. "I know about aerodynamics and fluid dynamics and how things move through the air. But that’s not science, that’s just a formula," added Hughes.

He has broken his back twice doing stunt jumps in cars. In 2014, he flew his own rocket.

Hughes this trip is sponsored by a flat Earth research group. They are not alone is supporting this theory. Rapper BoB has actually launched a fundraising campaign with a goal of $ 1 million to place "multiple weather balloons and satellites into space, for experimental exploration." The funds-raised meter stands at almost $7000 as of now.


Hughes' launch plans have hit a speed bump after he couldn't get permission to blast off from public land. According to a report by The Washington Post, Hughes will now do the launch from a private land sometime next week.