NEW YORK: Masai warriors running the London Marathon have been warned that dealing with the English is a minefield compared with the perils of hunting lions.

In a four-page cultural briefing, the tribe from a remote village in Tanzania are told harassed office workers only scowl because they hate their jobs. And when they seem “sillier and different”, it’s because they’re drunk.

The six men, who will run in traditional red robes, can carry their shields and spears during the race but must leave them at home when sightseeing. They are also reminded to wear underpants and not to pee or spit in public.

Although cows and sheep in fields may seem tempting, they should desist from hunting them, the guide warns. And taking other people’s jewellery because they like the look of it is not acceptable.

Visiting England: A Cultural Briefing says: “Even though some may look like they have a frown on their face, they are very friendly people — many of them just work in offices, jobs they don’t enjoy.”

It goes on: “It is illegal to show certain parts of the body... wear underpants if you are wearing your blankets.”

The team, who arrive in Britain next week for the race on Sunday 13 April, are running to raise money for life-saving water supplies for their village.

The guide was written by Greenforce, a British charity which is working in their community.

The young warriors, who are acting in response to a drought that is killing the sick and children in the Eluai village, have been given the unique privilege of running without numbers so that they can maintain their cultural integrity.

They will run wearing shoes made from car tyres, carrying their sticks and shields, and chant Masai songs as they go around the 26-mile course on April 13.

Isaya, one of the runners, said in a blog supporting their cause: “Our elders told us that we can do it because we have been runing all over for killing a lion and herding cattle. We can help them by getting them clean water so right now all of us we are training very hard.”

“We are training three days a week and we run for about 20km. My younger brother, Nguvu, he has a very good speed and i run after him but he doesn’t listen to me! Another guy called Taiko, we run after him but no one catches him!”