TEHRAN: Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei said on Wednesday that Tehran is ready for negotiations over the nuclear crisis but warned it would not step over any “red lines” in the search for a deal.

His comments came days ahead of a meeting between Iran’s top nuclear negotiator and the EU foreign policy chief, which will also be attended by a US envoy for the first time in a policy shift by Washington.

Khamenei’s intervention marked his first remarks on the five-year standoff since world powers last month presented a package aimed at ending a crisis which has raised fears of regional conflict and sent oil prices spiralling. “Iran has decided to take part in negotiations but it will not accept any threat,” state television quoted Khamenei as saying.

He said Tehran would not step over any “red lines”, repeating Iran’s insistence that it will not suspend uranium enrichment activities, which world powers fear could be used to make a nuclear weapon.

But Khamenei also appeared to give his wholehearted backing to the idea of talks.
“Our red lines are clear and if the other parties respect the Iranian people, the dignity of the Islamic republic and these red lines, our officials will negotiate as long as no one makes any threats against Iran.”

Top Iranian nuclear negotiator Saeed Jalili and EU foreign policy chief Javier Solana are to meet in Geneva on Saturday to discuss the package, which offers Iran negotiations on technological incentives if it suspends enrichment.