LONDON: A large number of Indian nationals studying here, who converted their student visa into Highly Skilled Migrants Programme category, are now regretting their decision after recent changes in the British immigration laws.

The Highly Skilled Migrants Programme (HSMP) holders, who came to the UK with a promise of visa extensions based on economic activity and permanent residence in four years, have been left vulnerable and devastated owing to the new drastic changes, a forum for the affected students said on Sunday.

"The changes which took place in November 2006 did not just affect the HSMP holders but has raised a lot of concern for the future of Indian students who had come to UK for higher education," said Kapadia, Director and Coordinator of the HSMP forum in a statement.

Many of the Indian students after completing post-graduation and other courses have switched to HSMP as in-country applicants, but now they have realised the new changes introduced by the British Government might not lead them anywhere.

Most of these experienced professionals have spent more than 20,000 pounds on their studies and have switched to HSMP programme after finishing their courses.

Citing a case, Kapadia said, Nirupam Kumar, an engineer who did his MBA from De Montfort University in Leicester and got his HSMP visa early last year tried for a work permit as per transitional arrangements as he won't qualify for HSMP extension, but even that was refused by the authorities.