LONDON: An Indian chef has created the "hottest curry in the world" dubbed Bollywood Burner -- a lamb-based dish which comes with a health warning as it contains a chilli that is 100 times hotter than a regular one.
The 'brain storming' dish has been created by executive chef Vivek Singh of London's Chinnamon Club restaurant, for a contest that marks the launch of Virgin Media's Bollywood Movies on Demand service.
The dish containing the Dorset Naga, a chilli that is 100 times hotter than a regular jalapeno as well as lamb and other peppers, is so hot that it comes with a health warning.
Diners are required to sign a disclaimer saying they are aware of the nature and risks involved in tasting the curry before eating it.
Toby Steele, 19, a student from Brighton, was the first to taste the dish named Bollywood Burner at the restaurant on Great Smith Street in Westminster.
"I'm usually a korma man and I suspect this is the hottest thing I've ever tasted. It was nice actually, you could really taste the spices. The initial taste isn't that hot but now a couple of minutes later, I feel a bit floaty and light-headed," he said.
Vivek Singh said that in his opinion "it is the hottest curry ever. When Virgin Media approached me, I saw it as a challenge."