Warning that the West Asia crisis would adversely affect the stability of the region and world at large, India has asked the international community to help end the "vicious cycle" of violence and counter violence that has killed over a 1,000 Palestinians in the last 20 days.

"We regret the loss of all civilian lives โ€“ every innocent life lost is one too many," Indian deputy permanent representative to UN Ambassador Ajai Malhotra said intervening the General Assembly debate on the Israeli offensive on Gaza.

In line with prime minister Manmohan Singh's call to the international community to get together and restore peace in the region, Malhotra expressed support for ongoing efforts, including that of secretary-general Ban Ki-moon, to bring about immediate, durable and fully respected ceasefire as demanded by the Security Council resolution.

Ban is currently meeting leaders in West Asia in his intensive efforts to bring to an end the Israeli attack on Gaza and the rocket firing by Hamas which controls the strip.

Malhotra also asked all parties concerned to comply with the Council resolution.

India, he said, wants to see the creation of an environment for earliest possible resumption of dialogue under the peace process and seeks an immediate end to the suffering of the people of Gaza.

He said the international community must work towards bringing an end to the "vicious cycle" of violence and counter violence, that would adversely affect the stability of the region and the world at large.

In this context, Malhotra stressed the need for all parties to fulfill their commitment under the 'Roadmap', a set of parallel action drawn up by the International Quartet on Middle East, for two States โ€“ Palestine and Israel โ€“ living side by side in peace within their internationally recognised borders.

"India remains steadfastly in support of a political solution, based on the Road Map and the Arab Peace Initiative. It is important to move forward towards the early creation of an independent, sovereign and viable State of Palestine, living side by side with Israel, within secure and internationally-recognised borders," he added.

Voicing concern over deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza and "heart rending plight of the people", Malhotra said the Indian government has pledged USD 1 million to UN Relief and Works Agency in Near East (UNRWA), to provide shelters, cash assistance and essential household items to the affected families in Gaza.

Besides, India has also announced a grant of USD 10 million as budgetary support for Palestinian Authority and an additional USD 10 million in project assistance.

Malhotra also stressed the need for assured humanitarian access for the 1.5 million people of Gaza who, he said, are living a permanent state of fright. "There is, therefore, an urgent need for assured humanitarian access for provision of essential commodities in Gaza."

Israel launched its war on December 27 in an effort to stop militant rocket fire from Gaza. Some 1,100 Palestinians have been killed, roughly half of them civilians, according to UN and Palestinian medical officials. However, both Israel and
Hamas have refused to comply with the UNSC resolution calling for ceasefire.