Terror outfit Hizbul Mujahideen's chief Syed Salahuddin today rejected upcoming talks between the foreign ministers of India and Pakistan, saying militant groups will continue their jehad till the "last Indian soldier leaves" Jammu and Kashmir."We reject the foreign ministers' talks on (July 15). We also don't accept any talks until Kashmiris are made part of it," he told a meeting organised by the Hizbul Mujahideen in Muzaffarabad, capital of Pakistan-occupied Kashmir."Jihad is the only way to deal with India's stubbornness. We will continue our struggle until the last Indian soldier leaves Kashmir," Salahuddin said.The meeting was attended by the members of the United Jehad Council, representatives of the Jamaat-ud-Dawah and Kashmiri political leaders.JuD leader Hafiz Saifullah Mansoor said his group was part of the Kashmiri "independence movement." 


He added: "This is not terrorism but a freedom fight. PoK 'prime minister' Raja Farooq Haider too said talks 'can be meaningful only if Kashmiris are made part of it.' He called on the groups to strengthen the "independence movement".

Haider described his government as a "base camp" for the independence movement in Jammu and Kashmir. The meetingwas held a day before Indian external affairs minister SM Krishna is scheduled to arrive in Islamabad for talks with his Pakistani counterpart Shah Mahmood Qureshi on July 15.Salahuddin, who also heads the United Jehad Council, said the "red carpet reception" for Indian ministers like home minister P Chidambaram and Krishna in Islamabad has added insult to injury for Kashmiris.