NEW YORK: Leading Democratic Presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton is much more popular among African- American women than her rival Barak Obama who is trying to become the first black president of the United States.
The intriguing finding came into focus in a series of polls conducted by CBS television network among black women. Other polls too have confirmed Clinton's popularity among African-American women.
CBS said on Tuesday that the most frequently stated reasons women give for favouring Hillary Clinton are that they have positive feelings about her husband and his administration and they think she's got the best shot of any of the Democrats to win against the Republicans.

"Most Black women simply believe Clinton can win," former Al Gore campaign manager and Democratic strategist Donna Brazile was quoted as saying. "They loved her husband Bill and would like to see "a woman elected first'"
Obama, the network said, hopes to find the antidote to Clinton's less-than-secret weapon -- husband Bill -- with a boost from talk-show queen Oprah Winfrey, who is campaigning for him in three early primary states: Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina.
"Black people have always felt with Bill Clinton that he is sort of one of them, he cares about them and that he can relate to them," said Sheryl McCarthy, a columnist for USA Today and Newsday who often explores issues of politics and race.