French unions launched a week of protests on Saturday with a Paris rally that could provide an early measure of resistance to pension reforms on which President Nicolas Sarkozy has staked his political reputation.Unions and human rights groups gathered to protest against security measures including repatriation of thousands of Roma to eastern Europe. Critics see that action as part of a drive by Sarkozy to revive his popularity before 2012 elections and divert attention from painful pension reforms and spending cuts.Sarkozy, who says the measures were needed to combat crime, faces a bigger test on Tuesday when workers hold a nationwide strike and protests over the pension reforms he says are essential to cut the country's budgetary deficit.Sarkozy said on Friday he was determined to stand by the  reforms, which among other things will raise the retirement age to 62 from 60.Unions say everything from schools and public transport to telecommunications will be disrupted. The National Assembly, the lower house of parliament, begins debating the pension reforms that day."This weekend's demonstrations will be a first indicator of the country's mood during this turbulent return to work for politicians," the left-leaning Liberation newspaper said in an editorial.Saturday's protests also target the revocation of French nationality for immigrants found guilty of attacking police officers.Sarkozy's moves have attracted criticism from outside France too. Demonstrations were also due to take place on Saturday elsewhere around France and in several other European capitals.Several unions, including at state railways, are calling for a 24-hour shutdown from 8pm (1800 GMT) on September 6 over the pension reform plans.Air France said on Friday that the strike would affect operations.It said that it expected to operate all long-haul flights, 90% of its short- and medium-haul flights from Paris's Charles de Gaulle airport and half of its short- and medium-haul flights from the city's Orly airport.Unions said on Friday that labour minister Eric Woerth, who has been embroiled in an influence-peddling scandal linked to France's richest woman Liliane Bettencourt, was no longer fit to defend the reforms.                                           


Sarkozy said he supported Woerth.Woerth has been dogged for months by revelations from a family feud surrounding the fortune of Bettencourt, regarding allegations of illegal funding of Sarkozy's conservative UMP party and the giving of favours.The government unveiled plans in June to overhaul the pay-as-you-go pensions system and clean up state finances, warning that without major changes the system would run up annual deficits of 50 billion euros by 2020."I will not be the president of the Republic who leaves without having balanced the pension system," he told factory workers on Friday. "I am extremely determined."