A retired CRPF officer was denied entry into Canada and forced to return from the Vancouver airport by security authorities of that country stating he worked for an organisation that indulged in "human rights violations."


T S Dhillon landed in Canada with his wife on May 18 and was put on the return flight to India on May 20.

His wife was, however, allowed to proceed to her destination in Canada.

"I landed with my wife in Canada on May 18 as I had a family event to attend. But the Canadian border agency at the airport did not allow me to enter the country.

"I told them that I am a retired senior officer of the Indian police, the CRPF. But, they did not heed to my statements and instead talked to me very rudely and in an unpleasant manner. They told me that my force had indulged in human rights violations," Dhillon told

(This article has not been edited by DNA's editorial team and is auto-generated from an agency feed.)