China warned Japan on Thursday that relations would suffer if Tokyo mishandles a dispute over a Chinese fishing boat seized in disputed waters in the East China Sea.                                             
"Disputes over territorial sovereignty are highly sensitive; if improperly handled they can impact upon the larger arena of China-Japan relations and the Japanese side should be aware of that," said Chinese foreign ministry spokesperson Jiang Yu.       
"The Diaoyu islands are China's inseparable territory and the Japanese side applying domestic law to Chinese fishing boats operating in this area is absurd, illegal and invalid and China will never accept that," she told a regular news conference.                       
Beijing has already lodged protests after Japan arrested the captain of a boat that collided with two Japanese coast guard boats near disputed islets in the East China Sea. No one was injured in the incident.                                            China, Japan and Taiwan all claim sovereignty over the islands, called Senkaku in Japan and Diaoyu in China.