NEW ORLEANS: Somehow, being the first Indian-American and the youngest person ever elected to govern a US state wasn’t enough.

Within weeks of taking office, rising Republican star Piyush “Bobby” Jindal’s name was thrown into the ring as a possible vice-presidential candidate by influential conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh.

And some say the 36-year-old son of Punjabi immigrants could make a great president if he plays his cards right. Since taking office on January 14, the new governor is winning respect from blacks, liberals and other traditional Democrats with his ethics reforms and a vigorous approach to economic progress.

“Bobby Jindal is striking a chord with Democrats. They’re saying, ‘I love Bobby Jindal and I am so glad he’s our governor,” said Democratic media consultant Cheron Brylski, who calls Jindal “Louisiana’s last hope.”

Jindal’s youthful enthusiasm and ability to bridge calcified divides of race and party has led some to see him as the Republican party’s answer to Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama.

“Jindal is not near the poet that Obama is — yet — but he has a great story to tell,” said political consultant Allan Katz. Katz says he has not seen so much public enthusiasm for a governor in decades.