LONDON: Tony Blair's last face-to-face meeting with a visiting politician as British prime minister will be with film star-turned-governor Arnold Schwarzenegger, his official spokesman said on Monday.

The Terminator star, now governor of California, will be at Blair's Downing Street residence in central London Tuesday morning for talks centred on efforts to tackle climate change.

Asked if the meeting with the Austrian-born ex-champion body builder would be Blair's last bilateral before he steps down Wednesday, the spokesman told reporters: "I suppose that will be the case."

Blair, once described by a political commentator here as Britain's first showbiz prime minister, met Schwarzenegger in Long Beach, California, in July last year during a visit to the US west coast state.

The governor jokingly suggested that Blair could star in 'Terminator 4' if he was at a loss what to do after quitting.

The meeting came after California signed an agreement with Britain to work more closely on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and promote low carbon technologies.

In March, after Britain outlined proposals to become the world's first country to have a legally-binding framework for cutting emissions, Schwarzenegger said Blair was an "action hero" for his leadership on the issue.

The environment is seen as one of the central themes in the run-up to Britain's next general election, which is due before 2010 at the latest but commentators suggest could be as early as next year.

The main opposition Conservatives have also sought to court Schwarzenegger. He will be back to deliver a speech at the party's annual conference in late September.