Special Counsel Robert Hur on Thursday released his long-awaited report on President Joe Biden’s handling of classified documents, and it’s not great news for the president on multiple fronts. The report concludes that no criminal charges against Biden are warranted, a key difference from Donald Trump’s situation. But it also says there was evidence that Biden “willfully” retained and disclosed highly classified materials when he was a private citizen. And it highlights his confusion and “significantly limited” recall of events related to the documents.


Some takeaways from the report:

Biden can breathe easier knowing he won’t face criminal charges for his handling of the documents. But the Hur report nonetheless does damage to Biden’s case that he brings normalcy to the presidency after the chaos of Trump’s tenure.

Images of federal agents finding a classified Biden memo on Afghanistan from his time as vice president stashed in his Delaware garage work against the Democratic president’s argument that he’s a more competent chief executive and a more careful steward of the nation’s secrets than Trump.

Trump is under criminal indictment for knowingly hanging on to to classified records at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida and resisting turning them over, perhaps the most damning — and stickiest — of the four criminal cases against him. Biden, for his part, faces no charges.

Weeks after the FBI searched Trump’s private residence and turned up classified documents, Biden slammed his predecessor as “totally irresponsible.”

As Biden ramps up his 2024 reelection campaign — and his case against Trump — he’s not likely to try that argument again.

More on the special counsel’s report:

The report comes after a yearlong investigation into the improper retention of classified documents by Biden, from his time as a senator and as vice president. Read the full report here.

Biden was absolved of criminal behavior, but it’s Trump who may benefit, and other key takeaways.

Longstanding concerns about Biden’s age and memory intensified after the release of the special counsel’s report.

The resolution of the Biden investigation arrives in a pivotal year for the president as he pursues reelection in a deeply polarized political climate.

The investigation into Biden is separate from special counsel Jack Smith’s inquiry into the handling of classified documents by Trump after Trump left the White House.


The 81-year-old Biden was already dogged by questions about whether he’s too old to serve a second term. The special counsel report will hardly be helpful to Biden on that count.

Hur noted that “Mr. Biden’s memory was significantly limited” in interviews with the special counsel office as well as with a ghostwriter that Biden worked with.

In his interview with the special counsel’s office, Hur writes, Biden twice appeared confused about when his term as vice president ended. The report notes that Biden, who speaks frequently about his son Beau’s death, could not remember “even within several years” when he died.

“And his memory appeared hazy when describing the Afghanistan debate that was once so important to him,” the report said. “Among other things, he mistakenly said he ‘had a real difference’ of opinion with General Karl Eikenberry, when, in fact, Eikenberry was an ally whom Mr. Biden cited approvingly in his Thanksgiving memo to President Obama.”

Polls have shown that many Americans, including Democrats, have concerns about Biden’s age. He would be 86 at the end of his second term if reelected.

Biden was absolved of criminal behavior, but it’s Trump who may benefit.

The Republican former president, who is on a glidepath to his party’s nomination this year, has been charged with dozens of felony counts related to his handling of classified materials stored at his Florida estate after leaving the White House. Trump has been crying foul on the campaign trail for much of the last year, noting that Biden had also stored classified materials in his garage.

Thursday’s report will have little bearing on Trump’s legal case, but it makes his political argument stronger.

(inputs from AP)