Nepal Prime Minister KP Sharma Oli on Saturday convened an urgent meet of his ruling Nepali Communist Party (NCP) and asked the party members to be "prepared for anything" as, he said, "the party's unity is at stake".


"The party's unity is at stake. Anything can happen, be prepared. Plots are being hatched against me and the President, this might result in me taking forceful decisions. So you all now need to clear your stance and be prepared," said Nepal's Prime Minister KP Oli at the meeting with ministers.

News agency ANI, citing sources in the meeting, quoted the Prime Minister of Nepal.

Notably, KP Oli is under mounting pressure to step down and a few days ago, leaders of the ruling NCP asked him to resign with immediate effect.

The senior leaders, including co-chair Pushpa Kamal Dahal, Madhav Nepal, Jhalanath Khanal, and Bamdev Gautam, asked the Prime Minister to step down from the post citing his 'failure' over various issues.

Oli is at loggerheads with Dahal, also known as 'Prachanda', the co-chairman of the NCP who the Prime Minister had accused of "hatching a conspiracy in New Delhi" to topple Oli's regime.

The other faction, in the meanwhile, holds the opinion that the Prime Minister had promoted factional interests in the party and worked only to fulfill his personal interests.

Increasingly popular opinion is that Oli failed to bring sound policies and programmes in Nepal and followed capitalist policies in the past three years, ignoring the goals of socialism that his party was committed to.

A Standing Committee member, who preferred to remain anonymous, said that Dahal sought clarification from Oli for unnecessarily 'provoking' India.