An Australian Catholic bishop has slammed controversial Islamic billboards across Sydney with the slogans 'Jesus: a prophet of Islam' as being "provocative and offensive", and has demanded for their removal immediately.Islamic group 'MyPeace' had paid for the billboards to be put up the billboards across Sydney, saying its aim is to inform, and not to offend anyone. According to reports, the group wants to encourage Christians and Muslims to find a common ground by raising awareness that Islam believed in Jesus Christ.Bishop Julian Porteous, from the Archdiocese of Sydney, however, rejected the claim by saying that Jesus "is more than a prophet"."He is the Son of God. He is acclaimed Lord and Saviour of humanity. In Australia with its Christian heritage a billboard carrying the statement 'Jesus A prophet of Islam' is provocative and offensive to Christians," the Daily Mail quoted Bishop Porteous, as saying."For the sake of preserving social harmony and respect between major world religions these billboards should be withdrawn, along with others which carry messages directly offensive to Christians," he added.Meanwhile, MyPeace organiser Diaa Mohamed claimed that he had received positive reactions from "Christians, atheists, Muslims and everyday Australians" over his organisation's act of putting up such billboards.