WASHINGTON, DC: It’s official now. The Washington-based National Sleep Foundation says that American women are so stressed out and sleep-deprived that a majority of them have no time for sex or even to make friends.

The foundation’s ‘2007 Sleep in America’ poll says that 72 per cent of working American women experience insomnia, and a third of the women stop having sex to try and get a good night’s sleep.

The national-level poll targeted 1,003 women in the age group 18-64. “American women are struggling... Women’s lack of sleep affects virtually every aspect of their time-pressed lives, leaving them late for work, stressed out, too tired for sex and little time for their friends,” said Kathryn Lee, a member of the Foundation’s task force.

American women are struggling to cope with this lack of sleep. Although women’s lifestyles are compromised due to lack of sleep, they keep going. Eighty per cent of women say that when they experience sleepiness during the day they just accept it and keep going.

However, in order to keep going, 65 per cent are likely to use caffeinated beverages, with per cent of all women consuming three or more caffeinated beverages per day.