The American soldier accused of killing 16 Afghan civilians in a shooting rampage has been flown to a military base in Kansas as Hamid Karzai complained America had hindered his government's investigation.The unnamed staff sergeant was flown last night (Friday) to a maximum security cell in Fort Leavenworth.The Afghan president said he was "at the end of his rope" over the number of civilians killed by Nato forces and said US officials failed to co-operate with his own team investigating the killings in the Panjwayi district of Kandahar.He said: "The army chief has just reported that the Afghan investigation team did not receive the co-operation that they expected from the United States. Therefore these are all questions that we'll be raising, and raising very loudly, and raising very clearly."The massacre earlier this week led Mr Karzai to call for all foreign troops to leave rural outposts and withdraw to their main bases.Mr Karzai spoke after meeting relatives of those - including nine children and four women - killed when the American soldier apparently broke into their homes and shot them. The relatives angrily repeated their belief that it had been carried out by more than one American.Nato officials in Kabul have said all the evidence points to one man, who left his base in the early hours of Sunday and returned to hand himself in later.The accused 38-year-old father-of-two, from the Joint Base Lewis-McChord base in Washington, had been reluctant to return to the front line after three tours of Iraq, his lawyer said.John Henry Browne said his client had been wounded twice in Iraq and been decorated several times. A friend in his unit had been gravely wounded and lost a leg the day before the massacre.Meanwhile it was disclosed that a senior US general and his British deputy had to flee for their lives when an Afghan interpreter drove a stolen pickup truck at their party as they waited for the arrival of the US defence secretary.US Marine Major General Mark Gurganus and Brigadier Stuart Skeats were in a reception committee for Leon Panetta when the attacker drove his car at them at Camp Bastion. The attacker apparently set his car on fire and died of his burns hours later.