Aug 8, 2024, 07:43 PM IST
In seahorses, it’s the males that become pregnant and give birth. The female transfers her eggs to a special brood pouch on the male's abdomen.
The male seahorse fertilizes the eggs inside the pouch, which provides oxygen and nutrients to the developing embryos.
The male carries the eggs in his pouch for several weeks, depending on the species, before giving birth.
When the eggs are ready to hatch, the male seahorse goes through contractions to release the fully formed fry into the water.
Besides seahorses, some other fish species like pipefish and seadragons also have similar reproductive roles, with males carrying eggs.
This role reversal is unique among animals and is an adaptation to their specific reproductive strategies.
The male carrying eggs allows for greater protection and development of the embryos, enhancing their survival chances.
This fascinating adaptation shows the diversity of reproductive strategies in the animal kingdom and challenges typical gender roles in reproduction.