Aug 8, 2024, 05:11 PM IST
While not completely eyeless, this mole has extremely reduced eyes and relies on its star-shaped snout for sensing its environment.
This fish, found in dark caves, has lost its eyes over generations due to the lack of light.
This salamander lives in underground water systems and has no eyes, relying on other senses to navigate.
A blind amphibian living in European caves, it has no eyes and is completely adapted to life in darkness.
A rare spider found in Hawaiian caves that has no eyes, relying on other sensory organs instead.
These small, burrowing snakes have vestigial eyes that are covered with scales, rendering them functionally blind.
A small freshwater organism that lacks eyes, yet can still detect light through light-sensitive cells.
These spiny marine animals don't have eyes but use light-sensitive cells all over their bodies to detect changes in light.