Dec 14, 2024, 06:54 AM IST

8 surreal images of moon shared by NASA

Pravrajya Suruchi

Apollo Missions: Images from the Apollo 11 and Apollo 15 missions include astronaut boot prints on the lunar surface and detailed photographs of astronauts working alongside lunar rovers and modules​

Galileo Spacecraft: During its journey to Jupiter, the Galileo spacecraft captured vibrant and colorful images of the Moon, including the western hemisphere, north polar region, and Tycho Impact Basin, showcasing remarkable detail​

Weight Management: Figs are low in calories and high in fiber, making them a good option for weight management.

Surface Close-Ups: The Lunar Orbiter 2 provided side views of the Copernicus crater, revealing intricate details of the Moon’s surface​

The Harvest Moon over Tuscany

The Gibbous Moon rises over the serene Swedish landscape, casting a soft glow on the snowy terrain.

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports