Aug 16, 2024, 10:26 AM IST
Cassowary: Often considered the world’s most dangerous bird due to its powerful legs and sharp claws. Cassowaries have been known to attack and seriously injure humans.
Ostrich: The largest living bird, ostriches have powerful legs capable of delivering a lethal kick. They can run at high speeds and have been known to attack when threatened.
Harpy Eagle: One of the largest and most powerful eagles, the harpy eagle has incredibly strong talons and can prey on animals as large as monkeys and sloths.
Golden Eagle: Known for its impressive hunting skills and powerful talons, the golden eagle can cause severe injury with its sharp beak and claws.
Andean Condor: While generally not aggressive toward humans, the Andean condor's massive size and strength could potentially be dangerous if it feels threatened.
Kea: A highly intelligent and mischievous parrot from New Zealand, the kea is known for its ability to dismantle vehicles and aggressive behavior towards humans.
African Fish Eagle: This large raptor is known for its powerful talons and aggressive behavior, especially when protecting its territory or nest.
Bald Eagle: While generally not dangerous, the bald eagle's strong beak and talons can cause injury if the bird feels threatened or is defending its nest.
This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports