Sep 19, 2024, 03:37 PM IST
Astronomers classify galaxy NGC 1300 as a barred spiral because its arms do not swirl into the center but instead are connected to ends of a straight bar of stars that contains the nucleus.
Long streamers of stars and gas appear as tails in this Hubble image of the gravitationally interacting galaxies NGC 4676, nicknamed “The Mice.”
Located some 65 million light-years away, the Antennae – also known as NGC 4038 and NGC 4039 – are locked in a deadly embrace.
This new NASA Hubble Space Telescope image shows ESO 185-IG013, a luminous blue compact galaxy (BCG).
This NASA Hubble Space Telescope image showcases the collision of galaxies NGC 2445 (right) and NGC 2444 fueled a frenzy of star birth that produced this unusual triangle of young, blue stars.
Located in the constellation of Hercules, about 230 million light-years away, NGC 6052 is a pair of colliding galaxies.
This illustration shows a stage in the predicted merger between our Milky Way galaxy and the neighboring Andromeda galaxy, as it will unfold over the next several billion years.
Hubble’s Dazzling Display of 2 Colliding Galaxies