Sep 20, 2024, 09:40 PM IST

8 animals that never sleep

Shweta Singh

Known for staying active even when resting, bullfrogs have been studied for their ability to stay alert without sleeping.


Dolphins let one half of their brain sleep at a time, allowing them to continue swimming and breathing.


Like dolphins, whales sleep one hemisphere at a time to maintain their movement and breathing.


Jellyfish have no brain and experience rest-like states but do not sleep like other animals.


While they may take short rests, cockroaches never enter a deep sleep state.


Many shark species keep moving constantly, as water needs to pass over their gills to breathe, preventing sleep.


These creatures do not have a central nervous system, so they don’t sleep in a conventional sense.

Sea Urchins

Ants take short breaks throughout the day but do not experience a continuous sleep cycle.
