Aug 8, 2024, 09:23 PM IST
Native to arid regions of North America, kangaroo rats get all the moisture they need from the seeds they eat and produce very concentrated urine.
Although camels are famous for their ability to go without water for extended periods, they do drink when available. However, they can survive longer without water compared to many other animals due to their ability to store water in their bodies.
Koalas primarily obtain moisture from eucalyptus leaves, which they consume. They rarely drink water directly.
These shrews get their water from the insects and other small creatures they consume, and they live in environments where they can often find moisture in their prey.
In the desert, these tortoises get moisture from the plants they eat and can survive for long periods without drinking directly.
This bird survives in arid environments by eating insects and fruits, obtaining moisture from its diet rather than drinking water.
This venomous lizard obtains its hydration from the eggs and small animals it eats, rather than drinking water.
This desert-dwelling hare gets most of its water from the plants it eats and can survive without direct water sources for extended periods.