Jan 21, 2025, 07:14 AM IST

7 stunning images of galaxies and stars by NASA

Apurwa Amit

RCW 86 is a supernova remnant that's the oldest documented supernova in history. It's located in the Circinus constellation, about 8,200 light-years away.

Located about 6,000 light-years from Earth, the Heart and Soul nebulae form a vast star-forming complex that makes up part of the Perseus spiral arm of our Milky Way galaxy. 

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope snapped this panoramic view of a colorful assortment of 100,000 stars residing in the crowded core of a giant star cluster. 

The Pillars of Creation is a region where young stars are forming – or have barely burst from their dusty cocoons as they continue to form.

NGC 681 is an intermediate spiral galaxy in the constellation of Cetus, located approximately 66.5 million light-years from Earth

NASA captured this stunning image of Messier 75 or M75, also known as NGC 6864, which is a giant globular cluster of stars in the southern constellation Sagittarius. 

Keyhole Nebula. edit. The Keyhole Nebula is a dark nebulosity superimposed on the brightest part of the Carina Nebula. 

Credit: NASA