Sep 5, 2024, 10:24 PM IST
Humpback whales produce complex songs, often lasting up to 20 minutes, which can travel great distances underwater.
Elephants use a range of vocalizations, including trumpeting and rumbling, which can be heard over long distances.
This flightless parrot from New Zealand makes a distinctive, deep, booming call during its mating display.
Male peacocks emit a loud, high-pitched call during courtship, known for its distinctive "meow" sound.
Known for its remarkable ability to mimic human speech and other sounds, African grey parrots are highly vocal.
Named for its unique call that resembles a dog's bark, this Australian bird is known for its eerie nighttime vocalizations.
Howler monkeys produce one of the loudest calls among primates, with a deep, guttural howl that can be heard up to 3 miles away.
The male bullfrog's call is a deep, resonant "jug-o-rum" that can be heard from a considerable distance, especially during mating season.
Sperm whales use clicking sounds for echolocation and communication, with their clicks being among the loudest sounds produced by any animal.