Jan 26, 2025, 04:38 PM IST
Played 16 matches and took 25 wickets with an economy of 5.32, conceding 766 runs overall.
Featured in 15 matches, claiming 22 wickets at an economy of 4.80, conceding 591 runs.
Bowled in 17 matches, picking up 20 wickets with an economy of 4.93, conceding 525 runs.
Took 18 wickets in 17 matches at an impressive economy of 3.66, conceding 522 runs.
Managed 14 wickets in 13 matches with an economy of 3.97, conceding 496 runs.
Picked up 18 wickets in 16 matches with a 3.93 economy rate, conceding 494 runs.
Took 24 wickets in 17 matches at a superb economy of 3.61, conceding 484 runs.
Claimed 11 wickets in 12 matches with an economy of 5.30, conceding 484 runs.
Took 28 wickets in 15 matches with an economy of 4.29, conceding 483 runs.