Jan 26, 2025, 03:14 PM IST

7 yoga asanas for liver detox

Vaishali Shastri

The liver plays a crucial role in detoxifying the body, processing nutrients, and removing toxins.  

Ardha Matsyendrasana, a seated twist, is great for liver detox. It stimulates the abdominal organs, boosts digestion, and supports liver health. 

Setu Bandhasana strengthens the back and stimulates the liver and kidneys. This backbend enhances blood circulation to the liver, helping to flush out toxins and improve its detoxifying function. 

Trikonasana promotes deep stretching, enhancing flexibility and supporting detoxification by boosting circulation around the liver. 

Bhujangasana- The Cobra pose is beneficial for liver health as it stimulates the liver, encourages bile secretion, and reduces stress, all of which aid in the detoxification process. 

Paschimottanasana- This forward fold stretches the whole back, including the abdomen, promoting liver function and aiding in the release of stored toxins. It also soothes the nervous system, which supports the detox process. 

Viparita Karani- This gentle inversion can support liver health by boosting blood circulation. Raising the legs helps improve detoxification by promoting lymphatic flow, which in turn benefits liver function.

Matsyasana, or Fish Pose, counters forward bends by opening the chest, stimulating liver and kidney function, and promoting deep breathing and abdominal stretching, which aids in liver detoxification. 

This information is not DNA's opinion but obtained from media reports