In the ever-evolving world of peculiar food combinations circulating on the internet, a recent video has taken social media by storm. If you're an avid user of platforms like Instagram, chances are you've come across some eyebrow-raising culinary experiments. However, there's one that's making waves, and it involves Aloo Parathas and an unexpected ingredient – Vodka.


The viral video, posted by the Instagram user @roopfitnessfoodiee, showcases a woman fearlessly attempting to create Aloo Parathas infused with Vodka. The clip not only captures the unique cooking process but also documents the brave taste test that follows.

After bravely trying the unconventional recipe, the woman's reaction is a must-watch. Although she appears to enjoy the peculiar blend, it's evident that the combination might not be for everyone.

The video has gained immense traction, amassing over 48,000 likes since its online debut. However, the online community had mixed reactions to this culinary venture, with many expressing their skepticism and even disgust in the comments section.

"Omg who eats that?" exclaimed one user, capturing the sentiment of disbelief shared by others. Another user questioned the sanity of the combination, stating, "Ye kaisa combination hai (What combination is this)?"

A third user humorously declared, "Enough internet for the day," reflecting the overwhelming nature of the internet's culinary surprises. Meanwhile, a fourth user outright rejected the idea, asserting, "No way, you can't do it."