Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman is presenting the Interim Budget 2024 on Thursday, February 1. Amid the buzz, a viral message on social media claims that the Finance Minister will announce a 3-day week-off policy. According to the message, starting from July 1, companies would be allowed to provide their employees with three days off each week, with an extension of working hours to 12 per day.


The Press Information Bureau (PIB) addressed this claim through a tweet, stating, "An image circulating on social media claims that the Union Finance Minister @nsitharaman will announce a 3-day week off policy in the next #Budget."

Upon conducting a fact check, the PIB confirmed the falsity of the claim, stating, "This claim is #fake. No such proposal has been floated by @FinMinIndia."

When confronted with such messages, it is advisable to refrain from sharing them without proper verification. Verifying the information before dissemination or avoiding the spread of unverified news is the prudent course of action.

PIB Fact Check plays a crucial role in debunking fake messages and posts circulating on social media, providing clarity on misinformation related to government policies and schemes.

For individuals seeking fact-checking services for viral messages, they can contact or reach out via the mobile number: +918799711259.