In a surprising twist to the belief that certain feats are only achievable through movie magic, a viral video is making waves on social media, showcasing a man performing extraordinary physical feats reminiscent of the iconic Baahubali character. The video, shared on Instagram by user Gautam Gharami, has garnered over 23.9 million views and 1.5 million likes, challenging the notion that such tasks are beyond the reach of ordinary individuals.


The footage captures a man effortlessly lifting a heavy motorbike onto his head and climbing a ladder to place it on the carrier of a bus. The approximately 130 kg Igniter bike was hoisted with precision as the man navigated an iron ladder, reaching the top without breaking a sweat. The video, reminiscent of Baahubali's unmatchable strength, has earned the nickname "Real-life Baahubali" among netizens.

Despite the awe-inspiring nature of the video, social media users have raised concerns about the safety of the individual, with one commenter expressing worry about potential neck or spinal injuries. Others have praised the man's strength, with one user dubbing him the "biggest Bahubali hero on earth."

While the video's authenticity has not been officially confirmed, the Delhi license plate on the bike suggests its origin. This jaw-dropping display of physical prowess serves as a testament to the remarkable strength of the unnamed laborer, drawing parallels to a similar viral video where another man lifted a motorcycle onto his head with impressive balance and climbed a ladder to the amazement of onlookers.