Halwa enthusiasts, brace yourselves! A recent culinary experiment has taken the internet by storm, as a vlogger decided to try his hand at creating an unconventional variation of the beloved Indian sweet: Banana Leaf Halwa. This unexpected twist to the traditional recipe has captured the attention of millions online.


In a captivating Instagram reel posted by the handle great_indian_asmr, the vlogger embarked on the journey of making Banana Leaf Halwa from scratch. The process began with the meticulous cleaning of banana leaves, followed by the removal of the central stem. Subsequently, the leaves were flattened, rolled, and sliced into strips. These strips were then blended with water to create a vibrant green puree, which was strained to obtain a smooth consistency.

With the stage set, the vlogger heated ghee in a pan and introduced the green juice into it. To this, he added sugar, cornflour slurry, and a generous handful of nuts. As the mixture simmered, it gradually thickened to the desired halwa consistency, filling the kitchen with an enticing aroma. Finally, the vlogger tasted his creation, revealing his unfiltered reaction to the unique delicacy.

The Instagram reel has garnered an astonishing 49 million views and counting, igniting a flurry of responses from viewers worldwide. Commenters were quick to praise the vlogger's candid demeanor and inventive take on the classic sweet. Some even proposed amusing monikers for the unconventional treat, such as "Chlorophyll Halwa" and "Hulk Halwa," highlighting its distinct green hue.

Among the plethora of reactions, one sentiment prevailed: gratitude for the vlogger's bold experimentation, with one commenter humorously noting, "Thank you for your service, now we know what not to do." Indeed, this culinary escapade has not only entertained but also sparked curiosity about the endless possibilities of halwa variations.