In an era where social media often showcases daring stunts and risky behaviors, a recent video has gained widespread attention for all the wrong reasons. The footage, which has gone viral on various platforms, depicts a man attempting to get dangerously close to a massive tiger in what appears to be an ill-advised attempt to pose with the wild creature.


Uploaded on Instagram by user @nouman.hassan1, the video has amassed nearly 179,000 likes, but the reactions it triggered have been far from positive. The incident serves as a stark reminder that some things are best left in the wild, and attempting to tame or interact closely with wild animals can have serious consequences.

The video shows the man approaching the tiger with seemingly little regard for the inherent dangers. Despite the tiger launching an attack, fortunately, no one was hurt in the incident. However, social media users were quick to express their outrage and concern over the reckless act.

Comments on the video ranged from anger to disbelief. One user remarked, "This is stupid," while another questioned, "Where is the thumbs-down button?" A third commenter urged caution, saying, "This is so dangerous, please don't try this again," and a fourth labeled the act as "animal abuse." Another user emphasized the wild nature of such animals, stating, "Tiger/lions/leopard/jaguar – all animals are wild, not pet animals."