In the serene backdrop of Kerala's lush forests, where nearly a third of the land is veiled in greenery, clashes between humans and wildlife have become an unsettling norm. The latest episode unfolded amidst the vibrant festivities of the Arattupuzha Pooram in Thrissur district, where a customary ritual turned into a chaotic scene of an elephant attacking its counterpart on Thursday (Mar 21).


A viral video capturing the frenzy depicted a decorated elephant charging and striking another, sending spectators into a panicked frenzy. Reports recounted yet another elephant displaying aggressive behavior during the ordeal. Amidst the chaos, two individuals sustained injuries while fleeing, and several vehicles suffered damage.

The Arattupuzha Pooram, a cherished event held at the Sree Sastha Temple in Thrissur, holds profound cultural significance as Kerala's oldest pooram festival. Spanning a seven-day celebration annually, it is revered as a sacred convergence of deities.

Despite its cultural splendor, Kerala grapples with the challenge of human settlements encroaching upon forested domains. The rapid march of urbanization and agricultural expansion further blurs the boundaries between human habitats and wildlife territories.

In recent years, incidents of human-wildlife conflict have witnessed a troubling surge, endangering lives on both ends. Acknowledging the severity of these encounters, the Kerala cabinet has designated human-animal conflicts as a state-specific disaster, reflecting the urgency of addressing this issue.

A similar confrontation between humans and elephants occurred recently during a safari expedition in South Africa's Pilanesberg Game Reserve. A safari guide found himself thrust into a harrowing encounter with an enraged elephant at the Rathlogo Bird Hide within the reserve. Tourists, permitted to disembark from their vehicles under strict guidelines, witnessed the unfolding drama as one of them captured footage that later circulated on social media platforms.

While elephants typically shun confrontations with humans or vehicles when provided with sufficient space, their demeanor can turn unpredictable, especially during heightened hormonal phases known as musth, characterized by increased aggression.