In the bustling heart of India's capital, the Delhi metro has once again become the stage for an unconventional spectacle as a video featuring a group of women singing and dancing inside a train carriage went viral.


Shared on Instagram by user Sakshi Singh, the video captured the attention of thousands as it showcased a lively scene of women engaging in traditional songs and dance routines amidst the backdrop of the metro's daily commute.


A post shared by Sakshi singh (@snaxxy555)

The footage, which surfaced on April 17, depicts the spirited women inviting fellow passengers to join in their impromptu performance, eliciting a mix of astonishment and amusement from onlookers.

Since its upload, the video has garnered over 5.3 million views along with a plethora of likes and comments from intrigued viewers.

Reactions to the unusual display varied among social media users:

"Why are all the dramas seen in the Delhi metro?" queried one individual, reflecting on the trend of viral videos originating from the transit system.

Expressing concern over the breach of regulations, another commenter stated, "Playing songs and dancing in the metro is not allowed. Strict action will be taken against them."

Adding a touch of humor, a user remarked, "India is not for beginners," highlighting the diverse and unpredictable nature of public life in the country.

Reflecting on the importance of education and social etiquette, another observer noted, "That's why education is necessary for everyone."

Meanwhile, some lightheartedly speculated on the occasion behind the spontaneous performance, with one commenter humorously asking, "Where are the bride and groom? Whose ladies' sangeet is this happening inside the metro?"

Amidst the varied responses, a call for consideration of fellow commuters' peace of mind emerged, with a user suggesting, "I think others' mental peace should be everyone's priority."