In the vast realm of the Internet, where countless videos vie for attention, there emerges occasionally one that captivates, frightens, and mesmerizes in equal measure. Such is the case with a recent clip circulating on Twitter, featuring an unexpected encounter between a man and a tiger, garnering an impressive 7.1 million views and counting.


In the footage that has grabbed the spotlight, a tiger is seen strolling calmly, seemingly unperturbed by its surroundings. However, what unfolds next is both startling and intriguing. A man enters the frame, following the majestic beast closely before playfully startling it from behind, causing the tiger to startle and fall to the ground.

Shared just a few days ago, the video has swiftly amassed an impressive number of views, with the figure climbing steadily. Yet, it's not just the view count that's rising; the post has sparked a flurry of reactions from netizens, ranging from fascination to fear.

Among the myriad responses, one user expressed trepidation, succinctly stating, "I am afraid." Another shared a sentiment of dread, commenting, "Oh hell na. Lol. That’s like my biggest nightmare." Meanwhile, a third individual voiced concern for the tiger, remarking, "That looks like worst case scenario for a tiger."