In a world where the mere thought of snakes sends shivers down many spines, a recent viral video on Instagram has taken the fear factor to a whole new level. The footage features a daring man engaging in an unusual act – planting a kiss on the head of a king cobra, a highly venomous snake.


The video, which has scared the online community, shows the man approaching the snake with measured confidence. To the amazement of viewers, he not only successfully kissed the formidable reptile but also maintained the risky embrace for several seconds, all while posing for the camera. A daring move that has left many wondering: too risky, isn't it?

Since its upload, the video has gained significant traction, amassing over 163,000 likes. The comments section is flooded with a mix of fear, bewilderment, and concern for the man's safety. Users express their disbelief with one stating, "You would pay me a million, and I wouldn't even do it," while another cryptically adds, "Kiss of death."

The daring feat has sparked a debate among viewers, with many questioning the man's motivation. One commenter asked, "Bro why though? Why would you do this?" while another echoed the sentiment, saying, "That looks crazy, why did you do it?"

As the video continues to circulate across social media, it leaves us all wondering about the fine line between fear and fascination, and just how far some are willing to go for a daring encounter with nature's most formidable creatures.