A recent video shared by travel expert Cameron Scott showcases a breathtakingly close encounter between tourists and a Silverback Mountain Gorilla in the wild.


In a captivating video posted on Instagram just four days ago, travel expert and content creator Cameron Scott shared a remarkable and awe-inspiring encounter between a group of tourists and a Silverback Mountain Gorilla. The video has since garnered over 9.2 million views, creating a buzz on social media platforms.

The footage begins with a group of tourists seated on the jungle floor, surrounded by lush greenery. Suddenly, a massive gorilla emerges from the bushes, strolling casually past the mesmerized onlookers. The awe-inspiring scene unfolds with the tourists laughing in excitement, clearly moved by the once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Cameron Scott's Instagram caption accompanying the video reads, "Life-changing Silverback encounter, A moment my guests will never forget! A large Silverback Mountain Gorilla emerges mere feet away from my clients and proceeds to flaunt his majestic beauty off in a powerful yet graceful manner. These moments out in the wild are what it is all about, and we cannot be more grateful towards all the park rangers, trackers, and conservationists behind the scenes that make all of this possible."

The video has sparked a wave of reactions from Instagram users. One user humorously remarked, "Bro chose to ignore humans," while another expressed awe, saying, "Good lord I would have a heart attack - he's a beauty." Another commenter marveled at the gorilla's nonchalant attitude, stating, "He doesn't even care that you guys are there. Just walks right by you saying ‘Out of my way humans’. So so very cool."

Not everyone, however, seemed ready for such an up-close encounter. One user admitted, "I would have fainted. A beautiful and gorgeous animal, but I am not willing to try this for my heart's sake." Another simply marveled at the proximity, writing, "So close."