A sensational event unfolded within the hallowed walls of Mexico City's Congress, capturing the attention of both believers and skeptics of extraterrestrial life. During a public hearing streamed online by local Mexican media, two purported 'alien corpses' were unveiled to a captivated audience, sparking intense debates about the existence of extraterrestrial beings.


The event commenced with a series of riveting videos showcasing 'UFOs and unidentified anomalous phenomena' from various locations around Mexico. Shortly thereafter, experts testified under oath that the exhibited specimens were not part of "our terrestrial evolution," adding a layer of intrigue to the proceedings.

Journalist and ufologist Jaime Maussan, one of the key figures at the event, made a significant statement under oath. He explained that these enigmatic beings were not discovered following a UFO crash, as one might expect, but rather, they were found in diatom (algae) mines and subsequently underwent fossilization. Maussan's revelation was presented before members of the Mexican government and US officials.

The specimens, which reportedly originate from Cusco, Peru, were recently subjected to rigorous examination at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. Through radiocarbon dating, scientists determined that these mummified remains are estimated to be approximately 1,000 years old. More astonishingly, the analysis of their DNA yielded perplexing results, with over 30% of their genetic makeup classified as "unknown." During the hearing, X-ray images were displayed, and experts, under oath, disclosed that one of the bodies contained "eggs" while both specimens had implants composed of exceedingly rare metals, including Osmium.

Adding to the intrigue, Ryan Graves, the executive director of Americans for Safe Aerospace and a former US Navy pilot who had testified before the US Congress about the national security implications of unidentified aerial phenomena, was also in attendance.

However, amid the spectacle and fervor, skepticism looms large. Jaime Maussan has a history of being associated with controversial claims about 'aliens.' Notably, in June 2017, Maussan was involved in the examination of five mummies discovered near the UNESCO World Heritage Nazca Lines site in Peru. The images circulated at the time purported to depict a mummified humanoid figure with an elongated skull and three fingers on each hand and foot, fueling speculation of an 'alien' origin. Subsequent investigations, however, debunked these claims, revealing that the mummified corpse was that of a human child.

The unveiling of 'alien corpses' at the Mexico Congress undoubtedly raises questions and fuels curiosity, but it remains a subject of intense debate and scrutiny within the scientific and ufology communities. As discussions persist, the quest for conclusive evidence of extraterrestrial life continues to captivate the imagination of many.