New Delhi: In recent days, the story of a sarus crane has once again captured attention in the state of Uttar Pradesh, specifically in the Tehbarpur village of Azamgarh. This time, however, the tale involves a sarus crane that formed an unlikely friendship with a resident named Sunil Dubey. Unlike the previous story of Arif and his sarus crane, this particular sarus crane found companionship with Sunil, leading to a heartwarming bond between the two.


The sarus crane, a majestic and endangered bird species known for its tall stature and striking appearance, appeared in Tehbarpur village seemingly out of nowhere. It caught the attention of Sunil Dubey and the local villagers, who were fascinated by its presence. Gradually, the sarus crane started residing in close proximity to Sunil's home, and a unique friendship blossomed between them.

Sunil Dubey, a resident of Tehbarpur, became the primary caretaker of the sarus crane. He provided the bird food, water, and shelter, which gradually became accustomed to his presence. Over time, an extraordinary bond developed between Sunil and the sarus crane. It would often follow Sunil wherever he went, displaying unwavering loyalty and trust.

The heartwarming story of Sunil and the sarus crane caught the attention of the local villagers, who were deeply moved by their companionship. Recognizing the significance of this bond and the need for proper care and protection of the sarus crane, the villagers collectively decided to inform the forest department about the situation.

With a genuine concern for the bird's welfare, the villagers contacted the forest department and relayed the heartwarming tale of Sunil and the sarus crane. Their aim was to ensure that the sarus crane would continue to receive the care, safety, and protection it deserved. The forest department responded promptly to the villagers' request, understanding the significance of preserving endangered species and the importance of maintaining the bird's natural habitat.

A team from the forest department was dispatched to Tehbarpur village to assess the situation and address the needs of the sarus crane. After careful evaluation, the team arrived at Sunil Dubey's residence and decided to take custody of the sarus crane. The bird was transported to a designated safe location, where it will receive appropriate care, including access to suitable habitat and sustenance.

The story of Sunil and the sarus crane, much like the previous tale of Arif and his companion, garnered widespread attention and touched the hearts of many. The unique bond formed between a human and a magnificent bird symbolizes the inherent connection between humans and nature. It serves as a reminder of the importance of protecting and conserving endangered species, allowing them to thrive in their natural habitats.