In a captivating video making the rounds on social media, the spotlight is firmly on the Akhal-Teke, a rare and stunning horse breed renowned for its breathtaking golden-silver mane that gleams brilliantly in the sunlight. Originating predominantly from the Karakum Desert in Turkmenistan, these horses are gaining widespread attention for their extraordinary beauty.


Shared on Twitter by user Gabriele Corno, the viral video showcases the striking features of an Akhal-Teke horse, drawing viewers in with its radiant coat. The accompanying caption describes the breed as the "rare Akhal-Teke Turkmen horse breed," emphasizing their nickname, "Golden Horses."

The video quickly became a sensation, amassing an impressive 82,000 views in a short span, as viewers marveled at the unique and dazzling characteristics of the Akhal-Teke horses.

Hailing from the Karakum desert in Turkmenistan, the Akhal-Teke breed is believed to have ancestral ties to Arabian horses. Despite their relatively modest height ranging from 1.6 to 1.65 meters, these horses are known for their agility, gracefulness, silky hair with metallic reflections, and slender physique. Their exceptional speed, intelligence, and strength further contribute to their unique allure.

Recent reports highlight the significant value attributed to Akhal-Teke horses, referred to as Golden Horses, with prices reaching up to Rs 30 lakh in India. Renowned for their loyalty, these horses are said to permit only their owners to ride them. With a global population of fewer than 7,000, the Akhal-Teke holds the esteemed status of being the national animal of Turkmenistan.

Interestingly, the breed faced two substantial threats to its existence. In 1924, violent earthquakes struck the city of Ashkabad, posing a threat to the Akhal-Teke horses. A second threat emerged in the 1950s when, due to human ignorance, there were contemplations of turning these magnificent creatures into slaughter animals.