Over the years, the famous US animated sitcom 'The Simpsons' has predicted things ahead of its time that has come true. From Donald Trump's presidency, smartwatches to Lady Gaga's SuperBowl half-time performance, the Simpsons has certainly informed us about everything ahead of its time but no one really has an idea as to how they pull it off. 


Recently, as per fans, the sitcom also predicted the Russian-Ukraine crisis way back in 1998. The episode called 'Simpson Tide' predicted the Cold war and the return of the Soviet Union at the time of Boris Yeltsin's presidency. 

Also Read | Did 'The Simpsons' predict US Capitol Hill Violence before November 3 elections?

The clip was recently shared by a Twitter user that shows a United Nations meeting taking place discussing the tension between Russia and Ukraine. 

However, on February 24 early morning, Russia launched a military attack on Ukraine. 

Here are some other predictions by Simpsons that came true: 

- Richard Branson’s flight on his Virgin Galactic was predicted in season 20 of the show that depicts an astronaut in a spaceship who resembles Richard Branson.

- The very recent US Capitol Hill Violence was also predicted on the sitcom in season 7

- Donald Trump’s Presidential victory was predicted way before anyone could actually think about it. Trump became the president in 2016 and his win was predicted way back in 2000 in Season 11

- The Ebola outbreak was also predicted on the show, 

- The attack on the twin towers was predicted in an episode called 'The City of New York vs. Homer Simpson'.