The space, though an area of mystery, for the most part, has a lot of unique and beautiful phenomena occurring each day, leaving us earthlings mesmerized by its beauty. From eclipses to shooting stars, we are often left surprised by the events that occur thousands of kilometers away from us.


Another such event was brought to light by an astronaut, who shared a beautiful image of sparkling lights on the surface of the Earth, which launched an aurora lighting effect in a lot of areas. In his post, he also explained what caused this phenomenon.

Thomas Pesquet, an astronaut from the European Space Agency, captured the instant when a solar flare hit the Earth, creating northern lights and auroras across the sky. The stunning image looks nothing less than a scene from a top-production space flick!

In his post on Twitter, Thomas said, “We were treated to the strongest auroras of the entire mission, over north America and Canada. Amazing spikes higher than our orbit, and we flew right above the centre of the ring, rapid waves and pulses all over.”

The tweet posted by the astronaut went viral instantly, leaving netizens surprised at the beauty of the skies caused by the solar flares. Many Twitter users also shared photos of the solar flare from their localities, showing beautifully painted skies and lit up auroras over their homes.

The tweet gathered over 26,000 likes and close to 5,000 retweets. In the comments, people showed that the northern lights caused by the solar flare were viewed from Canada, New Zealand, parts of the US, and several other countries.