In a display of astonishing bravery, a woman clad in a saree has captured the attention of social media users worldwide by fearlessly handling a massive python with her bare hands. The captivating video, which has since gone viral, showcases the woman's remarkable courage as she calmly confronts the reptile without any protective gear.


The footage, which surfaced on various social media platforms, exhibits the woman's expertise in handling reptiles as she confidently grips the python's mouth with her bare hands. Shared on Instagram by user Mike Holston, the video has garnered an impressive 38,000 likes, captivating millions of viewers with its awe-inspiring display of fearlessness.

While the video has garnered widespread admiration for the woman's bravery, it has also sparked a flurry of diverse reactions online. Many viewers praised her courage in the face of danger, marveling at her composure and skill. However, others expressed concerns about the risks involved in such a daring feat, emphasizing the importance of using proper equipment to ensure safety.

One viewer expressed astonishment, saying, "Omg! How are you even holding that thing in your hand? My soul would have left my body. I wouldn't make it past just looking at that snake. The goosebumps haven't left my body yet. This isn't for the faint-hearted."

Another commenter shifted the focus to the woman's demeanor, stating, "Forget about the skills and let's talk about how comfortable she looks."

A third observer marveled at the woman's calm demeanor, remarking, "Look how calm she was. Composure on 1000."