In a surprising twist of modern living, the trend of keeping exotic animals as pets has gained momentum, with some individuals opting for creatures like tigers and lions to share their homes. This unconventional choice is particularly evident in places like the UAE, where opulence extends even to the selection of pets.


A recent viral video shared by Instagram user @7amodkaa has set social media abuzz, accumulating a staggering 2.1 million views. The video, shot in what appears to be a lavish home in Dubai or Abu Dhabi, captures a surreal moment as a man, seemingly unperturbed, laughs while his pet tiger engages in a wild chase after an Arab man within the expansive confines of his living room.

As the footage unfolds, the tiger successfully catches up with the man after a tumble. Fortunately, the man escapes unharmed. However, the pursuit doesn't conclude there, as the curious feline continues to chase the visibly terrified man, turning the unexpected encounter into a nail-biting spectacle.

The viral video has left netizens astonished, with many dubbing it as just another example of 'UAE things.' The incident has sparked conversations about the choices people make regarding their pets.

Online reactions vary, with some expressing concern about the well-being of the tiger. One user commented, "So wrong, does not belong here, needs his freedom. This beautiful animal is not a toy." Meanwhile, others took a more light-hearted approach, with one person noting, "Lol... the tiger just wants to play." Another user humorously remarked, "Very funny! That is definitely a Billionaires lifestyle. I just hope he has plenty of Cat food."

However, there's a more serious tone from those advocating for wildlife preservation, as one user emphasized, "These animals should not be kept as pets within a structure other than nature."