Drinking water is an essential requirement for human survival. The general consensus is that people can survive for around three days without consuming water. But what if we tell you about a person who is alive despite not drinking a drop of water for the past fifty years.


Robert Pedreira, from Bahia, Brazil claims that he has been alive for the last 50 years only by drinking Coca-Cola. As per the report of Oddity Central News, the 70-year-old retiree, who is undoubtedly the biggest fan of Coke, is suffering from diabetes and heart disease.

However, despite experiencing such serious health issues, he still prefers to drink Coca-Cola. Furthermore, he was also admitted to the hospital. 

When he was admitted to the hospital, his passion for Coke was truly reflected when he told the doctors to take medicine only for this condition.

To keep his streak alive, the condition was that he would take the medicine not with water but only with Coke. 

The situation is so serious that he has 6 stents in his heart. He has also suffered a heart attack. But his commitment to drinking only Coke remains intact.

Interestingly, The man drinks his favorite soft drink so much that even while eating ice cream he needs a Coke. 

While it was very hard for people to believe the story of Robert, his 27-year-old grandson revealed that he had never seen his grandfather drink water. It was then that the world started believing it and Robert’s story which went viral on social media, intrigued people more.